News articles with tag Training

Travel Security Training for Women Travellers FAQs

06 Mar 2019

Travel Security Training for Women Travellers educates travellers and managers on the additional travel risks that women travellers may face, such as harassment and sexual assault, and how to mitigate those risks. This is particularly relevant to travellers who go to countries with different legislation, cultures, and social attitudes from their home-countries.

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Workplace Violence Awareness

20 Aug 2018

Whilst certain industries/ groups of people carry a higher and specific risk to WPV, for example health (mental) care, taxi drivers and all-night retail workers; there are generic awareness points to help mitigate WPV that apply to all employees. “Education and awareness about workplace violence – its nature and scope, an employer’s obligation to address […]

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Travel Safety in Europe – an American Student’s Experience

25 Jul 2017

Studying abroad in London for two months was going to be the highlight of my summer. I could not wait to travel to different cities in Europe every weekend with some of my closest friends, touring amazing sites, and eating some of the best foods. As soon as I stepped off my eight-hour flight, I had one thing on my mind; London was my new home and I was going to make every second count!

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How to Stay Safe Playing PokémonGo

12 Jul 2016

The augmented reality game, PokémonGo, has taken the world by storm, enticing millennials to relive their glory days as Pokémon trainers. But in the week since the game was released, aspiring trainers, glued to their phones, have fallen victim to accidents and crime alike. Robbers have used the geolocation feature of the game to lure […]

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Do your employees know how to respond to a crisis?

01 Apr 2016

A lot of organisations have a robust procedure to help their employees after a crisis through their internal teams, insurance or assistance companies.  However most of these systems rely on the employee being in a safe place to activate their support; how confident are you that they know what to do during and immediately after […]

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Kidnapping and Business Travellers – keeping it simple

23 Mar 2016

Managing kidnap risk is a specialist field and exposed organisations will likely have arrangements at the strategic level with bespoke insurance and security companies to address this concern. Whilst business travellers should not necessary know about these arrangements, awareness training should still be a key aspect of risk management. The approach should be unalarming, realistic and pitched for the business […]

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10 Interesting (or maybe random) Travel Safety Statistics

09 Mar 2016

When considering any policy or procedure in relation to business travel it is important to put risk into perspective and not let the press misguide decisions. The following are a few statistics which might be of interest to people who work within the business travel industry.

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Considerations for employers and LGBT business travellers

16 Feb 2016

Laws and attitudes towards LGBT travellers around the world can vary greatly from those in your home country. Research and preparation will significantly reduce the chance of running into problems. In certain destinations, LGBT travellers are more likely to suffer from various forms of discrimination by members of the public, law enforcement agencies and even […]

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