beTravelwise tests the sharing economy in Denver

02 Aug 2016

In mid-July we went to Denver for the GBTA convention and decided that we should use Uber and Airbnb so that we could better understand the sharing economy from a business perspective[1].  Our aims also included gaining an understanding of how they might best be used within a travel risk management programme and what safety advice […]

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How to Stay Safe Playing PokémonGo

12 Jul 2016

The augmented reality game, PokémonGo, has taken the world by storm, enticing millennials to relive their glory days as Pokémon trainers. But in the week since the game was released, aspiring trainers, glued to their phones, have fallen victim to accidents and crime alike. Robbers have used the geolocation feature of the game to lure […]

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9 Avoidable Travel Nightmares you will probably never admit to…

06 Jul 2016

Immune from travel nightmares? Whether you are a seasoned road warrior or a first time traveler, complacence or ignorance of some basic preparations can quickly result in a trip from hell. Some of these scenarios may be extreme but can you say none of these issues have ever happened to you? 1. Double Checking Your Passport. You arrive at […]

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By Francisco Anzola (Doha skyline in the morning) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Personal Travel Risk Highlighted in Qatar

17 Jun 2016

Last week the world witnessed an appalling hate crime in Orlando in which over 100 members of the LGBT community were killed and injured.  Unfortunately there is very little that these victims might have done differently to avoid being in the nightclub at the time, no risk assessment would have predicted this outcome. From a […]

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Travel Risk Management featured in The Corporate Traveller

07 Jun 2016

beTravelwise was interviewed for a feature published in The Corporate Traveller this month.  The article provides an excellent description of the travel risk management market and we are delighted to have featured heavily in the training segment and to be seen alongside the industry giants.  

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Sophie Harwood

Flying Solo Safely

01 Jun 2016

Sophie Harwood, our women travellers advisor, gives some tips to Grazia’s readership about how to stay safe when travelling alone. Please see the scanned article or transcript below. Flying solo safely Grazia (UK) · 31 May 2016 · ‘Safety might be the furthest thing on your mind as you lay back on your lounger, but it […]

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Rio 2016 Olympic Games – 6 quick travel safety tips

16 May 2016

Congratulations, you are lucky enough to have genuine tickets for the Olympics and have confirmed travel arrangements. You are due to see your doctor for a pre-travel health check and unless you are pregnant they will more than likely tell you not to concern yourself with the Zika virus and will be jealous not to […]

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Notes from the ITM Conference 2016 – a risk management perspective

10 May 2016

beTravelwise is just back from the ITM conference at Celtic Manor.  We were fortunate to be included in the start-up section of the exhibition and participate in the Innovation break out session; we found it a thoroughly worthwhile couple of days in which we were able to meet existing and potential clients and deep dive […]

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Top Ten Travel Tips for Women by Sophie Harwood

06 May 2016

I’m an independent travel security consultant, specialising in security of women and LGBT travellers, with nearly ten years professional experience working and living in Europe, Asia and Africa. Over the years I’ve travelled to over forty different countries across six continents. Sometimes for work, and sometimes for leisure; sometimes in a group, and sometimes on […]

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